Say Goodbye Twitter, Hello Platform X - The Cesspool Of Hateful, Abusive, Insensitive Garbage Under Elon Musk

In recent times, Twitter has been a hotbed of controversy and uncivilized behavior, prompting many to question its evolution under the leadership of Elon Musk.

Sulayman Touray profile image
by Sulayman Touray
Say Goodbye Twitter, Hello Platform X - The Cesspool Of Hateful, Abusive, Insensitive Garbage Under Elon Musk

Once hailed as a platform for social discourse and connectivity, Twitter now appears to be descending into a dark pit of hellish, racist and/or generally offensive, uncivilized trash.

It’s no secret that Elon Musk, the enigmatic entrepreneur, visionary, and now owner of Twitter, hails from a background deeply influenced by South Africa, a nation scarred by the painful history of apartheid.

While his personal history does not inherently condemn him, critics argue that his upbringing and experiences might influence his worldview and decisions as a leader and why his platform is so God damn trailer park trash-like.

When we say racist we dont mean just against Blacks, we mean racist and hateful against everyone in every way, just downright toxic.

Twitter, once known for its role in enabling social movements and amplifying marginalized voices, seems to be taking a different trajectory under Musk’s helm. Instances of racially charged rhetoric, insensitive remarks, and divisive content have become distressingly common. Users from diverse backgrounds have expressed concern over the platform's direction, fearing that it no longer upholds the values of inclusivity and respect.

Musk's controversial leadership style and unorthodox public persona have further fueled speculation about the future of Twitter. His tendency to engage in provocative behavior on other platforms has raised eyebrows, leading many to question whether such attitudes are permeating into Twitter's policies and community standards.

Critics argue that the deterioration of Twitter into a platform rife with hostility and intolerance is a symptom of broader societal issues exacerbated by unchecked leadership. The responsibility of managing a platform as influential as Twitter demands sensitivity, inclusivity, and a commitment to fostering healthy dialogue. However, under Musk’s stewardship, some fear these ideals are being compromised. The platform has morphed into a sterio-typical platform full of nonsense. Everything from prostitutes to gang drive by shootings and racist lynchings have become normalized on Platform X.

In conclusion, Elon Musk's impact on Twitter has been divisive and extremely negative. His presence and controversial statements have heightened tensions and amplified the platform's darker elements. What was once a diverse and vibrant space for global fun now often feels polarized, with bigotry and negativity running rampant all throughout the platform. Musk's influence has reshaped the tone and direction of discourse, arguably for the worse, as Twitter struggles to maintain its role as a forum for constructive dialogue amidst the chaos. Anyone over the age of 30 may not be be able to safely browse X without running into a pack of uncovered breasts, a racial assault or an outright offensive murder of some sort. Elon needs to get it together otherwise the visitors will continue to tank.

Sulayman Touray profile image
by Sulayman Touray

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