Some Say After Breaking the Border, Biden Now Attempts to Make Illegals Legal with Latest Stunt

In recent months, the Biden administration has come under increasing criticism for its management of the southern border, which has witnessed a surge in illegal crossings to unprecedented levels.

Sulayman Touray profile image
by Sulayman Touray
Some Say After Breaking the Border, Biden Now Attempts to Make Illegals Legal with Latest Stunt

Despite this criticism, Biden is now seeking to enact an executive order to protect certain undocumented immigrants who are spouses of U.S. citizens from deportation. There are concerns that this measure could be exploited by those who have recently entered the country illegally.

Let's be blunt: More undocumented immigrants have crossed the U.S. border under President Joe Biden than at any other time in American history.

Amidst this crisis, President Joe Biden's recent executive actions to protect certain illegal immigrants, along with his pledge to grant them work permits, have sparked significant controversy and raised questions about the constitutionality of his actions.

The proposed policy, utilizing "parole in place" for individuals who have resided in the U.S. for a decade, is touted as a compassionate move by advocates but has drawn sharp criticism from opponents who argue it undermines immigration law and exacerbates border security challenges, and the questions are growing. How do you verify the legitimacy and duration of stay for undocumented individuals who use fake identities in the United States?

Since taking office, President Biden has made several high-profile announcements regarding immigration, including restrictive measures to limit asylum processing at the southern border. However, these actions appear incongruous with the reality on the ground, where overcrowded facilities and overwhelmed border patrol agents struggle to manage the influx of migrants.

The timing of Biden's announcement, coinciding with the anniversary of the DACA program, is strategic. It aims to appeal to Democratic voters and immigration advocates while attempting to solidify support in battleground states. However, critics argue that such actions, while popular among some segments of the electorate, fail to address the root causes of illegal immigration and do little to restore order at the border.

The decision to prioritize executive actions over legislative solutions has also drawn scrutiny. By circumventing Congress, Biden risks perpetuating a cycle of temporary fixes rather than implementing comprehensive immigration reform. Moreover, the perceived inconsistency in policy signals—tightening asylum rules while simultaneously offering deportation protections—has fueled confusion and skepticism both domestically and abroad.

In response to these criticisms, White House officials point to polling data suggesting public support for more lenient immigration policies, particularly among Democratic voters. However, the practical implications of such measures remain uncertain, with potential ramifications for national security, economic stability, and social cohesion. In other words, the right half of American society isn't going for this.

As the Biden administration prepares to unveil these sweeping changes, the spotlight remains on whether these actions will effectively address the complex challenges facing the U.S. immigration system. Advocates for stricter enforcement argue for a more robust approach to deter illegal crossings and protect American jobs, while proponents of reform advocate for compassion and inclusivity.

Ultimately, the debate over Biden's border policies underscores the need for bipartisan cooperation and long-term solutions. The United States faces a pivotal moment in its immigration history, where decisive leadership and pragmatic policies are essential to safeguarding national interests and upholding the rule of law.

Sulayman Touray profile image
by Sulayman Touray

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